Those eyes….heart breakers, puppies of the sea. Australian sea lions are endangered, due to the fact they only breed at the same spots they were born at, and won’t re-colonise other locations like fur seals do. They are inquisitive and so get tangled in marine debris and are accidental by catch on fishing trawlers. Although the South Australian Parks and wildlife department have fitted cameras on all trawler boats and they have a sea lion evasion devices, which allows the sea lions to swim through a shoot to the surface before getting stuck in the net. There is a certain quota and if that quota of sea lions are caught within the fishing zones, those zones are off limits for 18months, the length of time it takes for one sea lion pup to wean. They have also started to survey remote populations along the Australian Bight using drones to access the harsh coastline of that area. Hopefully with these measures in place we can continue to encounter these amazing animals in the wild.
f you’d like more information, I’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Nat Hill
Wildlife Adventurer
Live Your Dream