Precautions should be taken with any spider bite, especially when you are not sure what type of spider has bitten you. You should observe and monitor the bite area, and watch for any rapid changes.
How to identify a Wolf Spider Bite
More often than not the spider has usually bolted by the time you get a chance to identify it, and its sometimes difficult to pin point the species, so instead treat every bite with appropriate first aid, however there are some indications about the bite site that can help you identify the wolf spider.
Now, the bite will often appear to be red and swollen.
And if the spider was particularly large, fang marks and some skin tearing might also be noticeable.
The spider bite symptoms include…
- Pain that can last as long as ten days.
- You can also experience swelling in the lymph glands and a noticeable darkening of the skin around the area.
- In severe cases, bites can develop an infection, which may lead to complications. So, it’s vital that any bite receives proper medical treatment and care.
Wolf Spider vs. Dangerous Spiders
While a Wolf Spider Bite can be painful, it is not necessarily dangerous.
However, that all changes if you mistake the bite for another species of spider.
For example, Black Widow spiders and Brown Recluse spiders are both very dangerous, so you need to be aware of the differing symptoms and signs to correctly identify which spider has bitten you.
A Brown Recluse spider bite shows up as a bull’s eye on the skin. The bite has the appearance of a red ring, which has a white inner circle and a red centre.
Brown Recluse bites cause burning and pain, which can develop into a blister. The patient may also experience fever, chills, vomiting and in extreme cases death to those with a particular sensitivity.
Black Widow bites are highly toxic
This bite will be reddened with local swelling, and you will be able to see two red dots.
When bitten, it can feel like a pinprick, but the pain progresses to the whole area surrounding the bite. The pain of the bite can radiate to the muscles, soles of feet and abdomen.
The patient may suffer from severe breathing difficulties since the toxin can affect the nervous system. Other symptoms include thready pulse, clammy and cold skin, convulsions and loss of consciousness.
In severe cases, especially if the bite is from an adult spider, it can lead to death.
First aid for a Wolf Spider bite
Once you have confirmed the bite is from a Wolf Spider…
You need to ensure that you take the proper first aid measures.
- The first step is to elevate the affected limb. Raising the leg or arm will help to minimise swelling.
- The you should wash the area around the bite using water and mild soap or antibiotic wash.
- Apply a cool cloth to the bite area to reduce the spread of any venom. The same therapeutic effect can also be achieved by using ice intermittently.
- For the pain, it is possible to take acetaminophen or a NSAID such as aspirin to reduce the swelling. If possible, use antihistamines to minimise itching and swelling.
If the symptoms persist for more than five days or if the symptoms worsen, you should immediately contact your health care provider.
If you are unsure whether you have suffered a Wolf Spider Bite, it is important to err on the side of caution and seek professional medical advice.
If you’d like more information about spider bites, or even snake bites
Call me on…
0433 693 569
And I’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Take care,
Nat Hill
Wildlife Adventurer & Motivational Speaker
Live Your Dream